ZOO world

How to properly prepare your cat for being alone at home: safety, comfort and peace of mind tips

How to properly prepare your cat for being ...

Leaving your cat alone at home can be challenging, but with proper preparation and adequate measures, your pet can stay safe, happy, and healthy while you're gone. Discover how to secure its environment and avoid potential problems.

How dogs use sound boards to communicate: research shows the complexity of a dog

How dogs use sound boards to communicate: ...

Dogs trained to use sound boards can understand words and react to them, displaying more complex forms of communication than previously thought. New research is shedding light on the complexity of their cognition.

How gulls have adapted their behavior to urban environments, despite preferring natural diets

How gulls have adapted their behavior to ...

Despite the easy availability of human food in urban areas, gulls still prefer fish and seafood. Research shows that gulls take advantage of food opportunities found in human environments, but their natural preferences remain dominant

How the smell of stress affects the emotional state of dogs: new research reveals an association between human stress and the dog

How the smell of stress affects the emotional ...

Recent research from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Bristol reveals how the smells of stress in humans affect the emotional state and behavior of dogs, providing insight into their sensitivity to human emotions.

Research reveals association between brain development and size difference between males and females in mammals

Research reveals association between brain ...

A new study from the University of Bath shows that mammals with more developed brains have a smaller size difference between males and females. These discoveries can help understand evolutionary processes and complex social structures in different mammalian species.

Fearless lion brothers swim across a dangerous African canal in search of lions on a night full of danger

Fearless lion brothers swim across a ...

Two lion brothers, Jacob and Tibu, swam the kilometer-long Kazinga Canal in Uganda, full of hippos and crocodiles, in search of lions at night. Their bold feat is documented in research conducted by Griffith and the University of Northern Arizona.