Promotional film "Zagorje - a fairy tale in the palm of your hand" wins awards

The latest promotional film "Zagorje - a fairy tale in the palm of your hand" won a number of prestigious awards in Berlin, South Africa and Hamburg

The promotional film "Zagorje - a fairy tale in the palm of your hand" was presented in 2023 and has already won gold at The Golden City Gate, the International Tourism Film Festival and the World Media Festival.

The latest promotional film "Zagorje - a fairy tale in the palm of your hand" won a number of prestigious awards in Berlin, South Africa and Hamburg
Photo by: screenshot/ YouTube

The latest promotional tourist film titled "Zagorje - a fairy tale on the palm" was presented in December 2023 and has won numerous prestigious awards to date. The film first won the Golden Bear at the Golden City Gate tourism awards in Berlin. Following that, recognitions came to Krapina-Zagorje County from South Africa, where the film won gold at the International Tourism Film Festival in the categories "Tourist Destination - Region" and "Tourist Product - Rural Tourism." This was followed by awards from Hamburg, where the film won gold at the World Media Festival in the "Tourism and Travel: Destination Advertising" category, and from the online platform Muse Creative Awards, where it won gold in the "video-tourism category."

The new promotional film was produced by Balduči Film, a company specializing in the production of tourism films, with many years of experience and over 200 awards won. The film's director is Herve Tirmarche, a Frenchman with a Spanish address, while the screenplay was co-written by Spomenka Saraga and Herve Tirmarche. The film's producer is Spomenka Saraga, and among the actors are Ksenija Pajić, Herve Tirmarche, Adam Končić, Iva Šimić Šakoronja, and Marta, Petar, and Matej Končić. The film's production also involved the Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje, the Zabok Ensemble, the Brotherhood of Knights of the Golden Chalice, hoteliers, restaurateurs, wineries, traditional crafts, and tourist boards from the county.

The Deputy Prefect of Krapina-Zagorje County, Jasna Petek, stated: "An excellent tourist destination must have an excellent promotional film, and all the awards won show that this film is truly a great success. It was not at all easy to convey the experience of Zagorje's fairy tale on the palm in just four minutes and 12 seconds, but this team succeeded, and I thank them once again for that." The head of the Krapina-Zagorje County Tourist Board Office, Sanja Škrinjar, also emphasized pride in the achieved results and the work of the entire team that participated in the film's production. She added: "I believe we are not done with awards for this year. Namely, we have received information that we have entered the competition at two more festivals: the Terres Travel Festival in Spain and Silkfest in Serbia."

Producer Spomenka Saraga
from Balduči Film stated: "It seems we did a good job with the script and the choice of actors. Here on the table, we have no less than six golds, and at several other festivals, we are also in the finals, and I can proudly say that we have entered among the top ten films for the promotion of the region on the CIFFT Circuit, which aggregates results at the best tourism film festivals in the world."

The film showcases the beauties and tourist offerings of Zagorje - a fairy tale on the palm, as well as the special features that each location offers to future visitors. With a series of attractive shots, it takes visitors through the destination, showing the most beautiful moments of all those who have already been to Zagorje and inviting everyone to come and create new experiences.

Producing such a film requires great cooperation and support from the local community. The film features numerous cultural and historical sites, such as castles, museums, and natural beauties that make Zagorje a special destination. Each scene is carefully selected to convey the authenticity and charm of this region to the viewers.

The Krapina-Zagorje County Tourist Board actively works on promoting the region through various projects and initiatives. In addition to filming promotional films, they organize various events and happenings that attract visitors from all over the world. They also collaborate with local entrepreneurs to enhance the tourist offer and ensure visitors have an unforgettable experience.

Herve Tirmarche
, the film's director, emphasized that filming in Zagorje was a special experience: "Working on such a project is a true privilege. Zagorje is a beautiful place with a rich cultural heritage and natural beauties. We tried to showcase all these elements in the film, and I think we succeeded."

Producer Spomenka Saraga added: "Every time we receive an award, it is recognition for all the effort and work invested in this project. I am proud of the entire team and grateful to everyone who participated."

In conclusion, it should be noted that the film has already achieved significant success, and given the current interest and positive reactions from the audience, it is expected to win many more awards in the future. The Krapina-Zagorje County Tourist Board will continue to promote the region and invest in the development of the tourist offer.

The new promotional film not only showcases the beauties of Zagorje but also reflects the passion and dedication of everyone involved in its creation. Through this film, Zagorje is presented as a destination that offers a unique experience and will undoubtedly attract many visitors in the future.

One of the key aspects of the tourist film "Zagorje - a fairy tale on the palm" is the depiction of the rich cultural and historical heritage of this region. The film focuses on the authenticity of local traditions and customs, showcasing everything Zagorje has to offer to tourists. Local festivals, events, and customs that attract visitors throughout the year are particularly highlighted.

The film also emphasizes the gastronomic specialties of Zagorje. Through the depiction of traditional dishes and drinks, viewers get an insight into the richness of the culinary offer of this region. Local restaurants, wineries, and traditional crafts are presented in the film, promoting authentic Zagorje cuisine and tradition.

Promotion of Zagorje as a tourist destination is also directed towards active tourism. The film showcases various activities that visitors can experience, from hiking and cycling to enjoying thermal springs and wellness offers. All these activities further enrich the tourist offer and make Zagorje an attractive destination for all types of visitors.

The film also highlights the natural beauties of Zagorje. Beautiful landscapes, green valleys, and hills, as well as protected natural areas ideal for nature lovers and outdoor activities, are showcased. The film uniquely portrays the harmony between nature and culture that makes Zagorje a unique place for visitors.

The Krapina-Zagorje County Tourist Board will continue its efforts to promote the region and its tourist offer. The new promotional film is part of a broader strategy for the development of tourism in Zagorje, which includes investments in infrastructure, support for local entrepreneurs, and the organization of various events. The goal is to attract as many visitors as possible and ensure them an unforgettable experience in Zagorje.

Given the current success and positive reactions, it can be expected that the promotional film "Zagorje - a fairy tale on the palm" will continue to win awards and recognitions internationally. The film is already recognized as an extremely successful tool for promoting Zagorje, and it is believed that it will contribute to the further development of tourism in this beautiful Croatian region.

The Krapina-Zagorje County Tourist Board thanks all participants who contributed to the creation of this film, including local communities, cultural and historical institutions, and tourism workers. Through joint efforts, they have managed to create a film that best represents all the beauties and special features of Zagorje.

Erstellungszeitpunkt: 25 Juli, 2024
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AI Ana Vau

Ana Vau is a dynamic AI journalist of our portal, specialized in covering everything related to tourism. With a focus on Karlobag and its surroundings, but with a view that reaches beyond, Ana explores and revives a wide range of tourist topics.

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Ana's work encompasses all aspects of tourism - from researching hidden tourist gems to promoting well-known attractions. Her articles take readers on a journey through cultural sights, natural beauty, and everything Karlobag and its surroundings have to offer. With special emphasis on local festivals, traditional events and gastronomic delicacies, Ana illuminates the richness and diversity of our area.

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