
New discoveries of dark matter using precise pulsar measurements and new experiments

New discoveries of dark matter using precise ...

Using precise pulsar measurements, scientists have discovered potential dark matter objects. In addition, new experiments such as BREAD and research with Atacama telescopes provide additional insights into the nature of dark matter and its distribution in the universe.

21 neutron stars discovered in binary systems with sun-like stars in a new study by astronomers

21 neutron stars discovered in binary systems ...

Thanks to the mission of Gaia of the European Space Agency, a team of astronomers led by Kareem El-Badry has identified 21 binary systems where neutron stars orbit stars similar to the Sun.


Cassini's new discoveries reveal complex ...

Astronomers at Cornell University led the analysis of Cassini mission data, revealing differences in the composition and roughness of Titan's sea surfaces. These surveys provide new insights into the geological and atmospheric processes on this fascinating moon.

An unusual jet from a neutron star is recorded for the first time: a precessing s-shaped jet reveals new secrets of the universe

An unusual jet from a neutron star is ...

Astronomers first recorded a garden-sprinkler-like jet from the neutron star Circinus X-1, over 30,000 light-years away. These discoveries provide important information about the extreme physics and behavior of neutron stars.

Detection of extreme atmospheric conditions on the exoplanet WASP-39 b with the help of NASA

Detection of extreme atmospheric conditions ...

Research with NASA's James Webb telescope has revealed significant differences in the atmosphere of the exoplanet WASP-39 b between its morning and evening sides. The planet exhibits extreme temperature differences and different cloud patterns, providing new insights into the dynamics of exoplanetary atmospheres.

Planned PLATO mission: revolutionary discovery of rocky exoplanets with a new space telescope by 2026

Planned PLATO mission: revolutionary ...

The PLATO mission, which will use advanced cameras to explore rocky exoplanets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars, will launch at the end of 2026. PLATEAU will enable accurate measurements and discoveries of new worlds.