Đakovo craft beer festival 2024: enjoy beer and music

Đakovo craft beer festival brings a rich offer of local beers, music performances and novelties such as the beer mile

Đakovo craft beer festival, held on September 6 and 7, 2024, offers over 20 types of beer from all over Croatia. Enjoy music, food and the exclusive festival beer "Pakkovo vol.3". This year's novelty is the exciting Beer Mile.

Đakovo craft beer festival brings a rich offer of local beers, music performances and novelties such as the beer mile
Photo by: Domagoj Skledar - ilustracija/ arhiva (vlastita)

Đakovo Craft Beer festival, which will take place on September 6th and 7th, 2024, is one of the most significant events within Đakovo Summer. The two-day festival, located in the picturesque Strossmayer Park, will run from 5:00 PM to midnight, offering visitors the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of local craft beers. This event is organized in collaboration with the City of Đakovo, the Đakovo Tourist Board, and Black Hat craft brewery, with support from Osijek-Baranja County and the Croatian National Tourist Board.

A diverse beer offering
The festival will host over twenty different types of beer from all regions of Croatia. Among the breweries coming from central Croatia are Nova runda from Zabok, Primarius from Zagreb, and Kumsko pivo from Zagreb. From northern Croatia comes Angeluš from Sveti Ivan Zelina, while Kninska pivovara will represent the Šibenik-Knin County. Slavonia will be represented by five breweries, including Walkow from Vukovar, David & Golijat from Županja, Funky Brewery from Slavonski Brod, Slavonica from Pakrac, and the local Black Hat brewery from Đakovo.
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Gastronomic offer and cooperation with local schools
As in previous years, an indispensable partner of the festival will be the Antun Horvat Vocational High School from Đakovo. Students and teachers from this school will prepare a variety of snacks that perfectly pair with craft beer, ensuring a unique experience for all visitors. Additional gastronomic offerings will be provided by American Joy and Amore, known for their creative and delicious cuisine.

Music program and entertainment content
Strossmayer Park, located beneath the Cathedral of St. Peter, will provide an ideal setting for the festival. Visitors will be able to enjoy musical performances by DJ Uče, who will be present during both days of the festival, while on September 6th, ToMa will elevate the atmosphere, and on September 7th, Bang Bang will perform. Besides music, a novelty of this year's festival is the Beer Mile, a competition that will be held for the first time at this event, offering additional fun and challenge for all attendees.

Exclusive beer offer
Visitors to the Đakovo Craft Beer festival will have a unique opportunity to taste the festival beer "Spakovo", which this year comes in its third version, known as vol.3. This exclusive offer will further enrich the festival experience, giving beer lovers a chance to try something they won't find anywhere else.
Click to view accommodation in Đakovo

Đakovo Craft Beer festival has become a key event for craft beer lovers in Croatia, and this year's edition promises a rich and diverse program that will satisfy all tastes. With carefully selected music, delicious food, and a unique beer offer, this event will surely attract many visitors from across the region.

Photo by: objava za medije/ objava za medije

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Czas utworzenia: 28 sierpnia, 2024
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